Clubs & Activities
We offer a number of extra-curricular clubs after school or in lunch breaks including sports, art, languages and music. Clubs are usually offered free of charge, with school paying all associated costs. We do, however, reserve the right to make a small charge in special circumstances.
A list of available clubs is sent out each term with an application slip – please return the slip as soon as possible, as many of our clubs fill up very quickly.
To make it fair to those who are on a waiting list, please let us know if your child has decided they no longer wish to attend a club. If a child does not attend for two weeks in a row we will assume they do not wish to attend and withdraw their place so it can be offered to someone else on the waiting list.
Our school orchestra and choir have after-school clubs each week which all members are expected to attend and which are only open to those members – please speak to Mrs. Leonard if your child is interested in joining orchestra or choir.
Please note that if your child attends our Breakfast / After School Club (run on our school site) then they may still attend the clubs in the timetable below if it is available for their year group. Once the club is finished your child will be collected by a member of staff and can rejoin the other children in our After School Club where they will also be provided with their snack.