
The Longmoor Curriculum

It is our school’s intent to have a strong, knowledge-rich curriculum in place, implemented successfully by teaching staff. We have:

  • High levels of accountability, knowing what is implemented and learned;
  • Clear methods to check what pupils know, can do and understand;
  • Strong teacher subject knowledge across the school and its individual phases;
  • Senior leaders who check implementation, ensure that all groups of pupils can access our curriculum, and who understand the component strands of the English national curriculum.

The IMD (Index of Multiple Deprivation) ranks Longmoor at position 3981 with a decile of 2 (2019 data), and having considered income, employment, health, crime, and environmental deprivations, our school is located in the lowest 12% of areas in the UK.

Research conducted by Hart & Risley (1995) showed that children from low-income family backgrounds had on average been exposed to 30 million less words by the age of 4 than those from high-income homes. It is our mission and purpose to reverse that trend by creating a curriculum that is rooted in and promotes a love of reading; this forms a crucial part of our curriculum intent.

Crucial also is the experiences that bring learning to life; we are passionate about enhancing learning wherever possible by introducing real-world examples of how our curriculum extends beyond the taught classroom elements. Equally so important are the experiences that sit ‘extra-curricular’ and are those which our children would not have the benefit of, if we were not to provide them. Therefore another significant element of our curriculum are the experiences that we provide.

Our curriculum, at the core of our school’s purpose, is to break down these barriers in order to ultimately provide academic and financial achievement and wellbeing for the children in our care. In order to do this, we have developed a curriculum that:

B is broad and balanced
A is academic
R is research-based
R is rigorous
I fosters independence
E provides experiences
R is rooted in reading
S enables our children to be ‘secondary-ready


The Longmoor Learner

It is our aim that children leave Longmoor ready for the next stage of their educational curriculum:


The school’s BARRIERS curriculum, combined with the high quality teaching and learning that takes place, ensures that children leave our school ready for the next stage of their formal education. Our children know that through our rigorous studies, we have extremely high expectations of the standard they work at, the standard they achieve and the diligence that they work with.

British Values

As part of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils at Longmoor Community Primary School, we are committed to the promotion of those fundamental British values which will prepare our children for life in modern Britain – democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. These values are exemplified in the words, actions and influences of everyone in school, rooted in our values and ethos and reflected in the school’s mission statement and aims.

They are seen in our curriculum – in particular our PSHE programme, Philosophy4Children and R.E. lessons; in our promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; in our assemblies and collective worship; in our visits and visitors – including links with community and charity groups; in our democratically-elected School Council and our House System; in our relationships with local police, fire and other community services.

Further detail is given in the statement below of how we promote each of these fundamental British values:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Statement: British Values at Longmoor

Parents and other members of the public can find out more about the school curriculum by contacting Mr. L. Rimmer (Assistant Headteacher).

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