Music at Longmoor
At Longmoor, music is an important part of our rich, creative and exciting curriculum. Through high-quality teaching and unique learning opportunities, our pupils learn to set their expectations high and acquire transferable skills which can transition into their secondary education and beyond. We are extremely lucky to have specialist teachers who come in to support our children on their musical journey.
Our music programme begins in Early Years and Key Stage 1, with a specialist music teacher, Mrs. Naylor from the Resonate hub, coming in to work with pupils. As well as having lots of fun playing instruments and singing, our pupils are expanding their musical vocabulary and learning to compose using simple melodies and rhythms. Watch out for their parent performances where they share what they have learnt!
The school has a long-established tradition of then giving every junior-aged pupil in school the opportunity to learn an instrument. In Year 3, every child participates in a year of weekly whole-class clarineo lessons with a specialist music teacher from the Resonate music hub and Year 4 have weekly whole-class clarinet lessons. This whole class tuition feeds perfectly into our junior orchestra – which is ever growing!
Membership of our school orchestra is open to Years 3 to 6. Parents have the opportunity to hire instruments (woodwind or brass) and the school funds individual/small group tuition by music tutors as well as a Tuesday after-school rehearsal with Mr. Tratt, our orchestra director. The orchestra has the opportunity to perform on many occasions each year, including at Archbishop Beck’s Christmas Show and their summer Arts festival – BeckFest.
The school’s choir is led by a professional choir director, Mrs Newton, from Archbishop Beck. Every year they have many opportunities for public performance including Christmas carols at Grace Lodge Nursing Home and Aintree Hospital, our Christmas Concert, the Peace Proms at the Echo Arena and more.
We also now have a number of soloists who receive 1:1 vocal tuition from Mrs. Newton.