Key Dates for September


1st September 2020: INSET Day (school closed to children)
2nd September 2020: School reopens for children in Reception – Year 6
3rd September 2020: School reopens for children in Nursery

Download a copy of the arrangements letter (sent home via MarvellousMe on 20th August) below.

Download a copy of the school’s most recent Covid-19 risk assessment below.

Arrangements Letters

Nursery Sept. 2020 Arrangements

Reception Sept. 2020 Arrangements

Year 1 Sept. 2020 Arrangements

Year 2 Sept. 2020 Arrangements

Year 3 Sept. 2020 Arrangements

Year 4 Sept. 2020 Arrangements

Year 5 Sept. 2020 Arrangements

Year 6 Sept. 2020 Arrangements

School Site Plan

Cashless School

As of 1st September 2020, Longmoor will be a ‘cashless school’ and will instead use ParentPay for all payments. The School Office will not accept cash for school dinners, trips, residential visits or nursery fees. You will be sent all the information needed to setup your account in the next few weeks.


The Government has confirmed that attendance at school is compulsory from 1st September 2020; this means that all children are expected to return when we reopen on the 2nd. The Local Authority have advised school that santions for non-attendance (which may include fines or prosecution) will be in place for this academic year.

Contacting School or Class Teacher

For urgent enquiries, please call the School Office on 0151 521 5511. For anything else, please email [email protected] and somebody will get back to you.